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Existential Rationalism: Handling Hume’s Fork

Have you ever felt torn between the logical rigors of Western philosophy and the intuitive wisdom of Eastern thought? I certainly have. That’s why I’m thrilled to share with you the book I wrote to bridge the understanding of both worlds: Existential Rationalism: Handling Hume’s Fork. It was published in 2021. Get a special discount for the book via the Gumroad button below.

Bridging East and West: from rational thought to nondual awareness and back

As someone who has long straddled the line between Eastern spirituality and Western rationality, I’ve often felt like I was living in two separate mental universes. On one hand, the peace and insight gained from Zen insights have been invaluable. On the other, my commitment to critical thinking and scientific inquiry has been equally important. For years, I struggled to reconcile these seemingly contradictory approaches to understanding existence.

On a grey Sunday morning in 2016, it was given to me: satori, an awakening to the world’s nondual nature by direct insight. My 2023 book Awakening the Other Way describes this world-shattering experience. Suddenly, my doubts were answered: Nondual awareness was the missing link between Eastern and Western thought. The apparent incompatibility of nonduality and reason is itself a product of dualistic thinking!

I wanted to explore and share what I had found, so I haven’t stopped writing since. Existential Rationalism was the first serious result. It offers a cohesive framework that integrates the nondual insights of Zen with the penetrating power of rationalism. This isn’t just another pop philosophy book–it’s an unconventional and challenging exploration of how these two traditions can inform and enhance each other.

A science student in the dualistic desert
Science in the dualistic desert

Why it will change your perspective

The book sheds new light on deceptively simple observations, guiding you to truly transformative insights, including:

  • The role of rational thought principles in understanding nondual experience
  • How nonduality can inform and deepen rational inquiry
  • Simple thought experiments for integrating Eastern and Western thought
  • Ways in which nondualism can advance physics (yes it can!) and psychology

From the back cover

“The original treatise introducing rational nondualism.

What if Western thought is warped by an illusion so persuasive that it affects almost every aspect of our understanding, including modern science? Scientists look for objective knowledge. But suppose the distinction between the observer and the observed does not exist. This insight—called nondual awareness—is deeply counterintuitive; few grasp its full implications. Yet rational thought points to a nondual world, as articulated in Existential Rationalism. The realization forces us to reexamine the foundations of modern science: Without an objective reality, what makes empirical evidence scientific?

This paradox takes us back to the 1700s when David Hume shook the foundations of rationalist philosophy with his compelling case for empiricism. Rationalism never fully recovered from his challenge. However, Eschauzier argues that nondual awareness is the missing piece to reinstate reason as the supreme scientific principle: Without an objective reality, reason justifies empirical science.

Thus revitalized, rational thought’s four foundational principles still offer trailblazing clarity today. From understanding the dualistic disposition in psychology to debunking the quantum computer mythology, Existential Rationalism charts a bold path forward, synthesizing ancient wisdom and modern science.”

What readers say

“I am a firm believer that great things happen when different practices and schools of thought converge to create something new. Arts and hard sciences are often pitted against each other as contradictory and opposite ends of our spectrum of knowledge. This book is a wonderful example of how philosophy and science can be integrated to deepen our understanding of both. […] Kudos to the author for this inspiring contribution to the world!”—Amazon customer

Behind the scenes

Before writing this book, I had published a modest pilot in March 2018 with a collection of aphorisms about nonduality in my native Dutch. I knew I had found something important to investigate and share. But, honestly, I lacked everything to do so: the vocabulary, the philosophical basics, the technical and writing skills—particularly in English, and more. Still, I was certain: I was going to publish my ideas in English because I wanted to reach more people.

Altogether, it took me over five years from the first idea to this book. The first edition, I’ll admit, was rough around the edges. Through countless revisions, the manuscript evolved into its current form. While its unconventional fusion of science and spirituality might raise eyebrows among traditionalists, I stand behind every word.

What started as a simple exploration soon revealed itself as an odyssey far deeper than I’d imagined. As an engineer, I’ve always been drawn to the fundamental questions of science and philosophy. But diving into these ideas opened vast new territories of understanding. I found myself racing to master unfamiliar concepts and disciplines to deliver a coherent narrative that could do justice to these insights.

Nonduality is a radical concept, one that has the potential to revolutionize our approach to everything from quantum physics to the unconscious mind in psychology. I’ve done my best to present these ideas in an approachable way without sacrificing their transformative power. Whether you’re a seasoned philosopher or simply someone who loves contemplating life’s deepest mysteries, I hope this book sparks something in you—perhaps even shifts your entire worldview.

Existential Rationalism became an Amazon #1 Bestseller in the USA (Kindle category Philosophy Aesthetics) and several other countries, including Canada and Australia.

Discover more articles about Marcel’s books here.

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Marcel Eschauzier

Zen sense beyond the cushion 😌 I'm an engineer sharing a rational, direct path to nondual awareness—with a bit of fun along the way
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